Cable Management

We create cleaner, safer, more accessible workspaces.

As computers have advanced over the years, so has cable management. There’s simply no need to put up with the ever-sprawling, always-tangling, and precariously dangerous web of cords that accompanies IT hardware. Seamless cable management is a proven method for improving workplace safety, cleanability and simple, seamless aesthetics.


The Seamless Desktop

Cable Management. Hah! We’re talking
Total. Nurse Station. Transformation.


What we do

Stow Hardware

We mount all battery back-ups, surge protectors and CPUs in stowed positions off the floor.

  • Clinicians benefit from increased desk space.
  • Desk surfaces are easier to clean.
  • Allows for maximum air-flow and ventilation of CPUs.
Stow hardware

Custom Cable Lengths

We replace excessive cable with custom lengths to ensure cables are not touching the floor.

  • Environmental services personnel can safely mop and clean complete floor surfaces.
  • Staff and patients are at less risk for accidents.
Custom Cable Lengths

Bundle Cables

We bundle wires/cables for easy access/replacement and secure these bundles in less visible locations.

  • Clinicians and patients enjoy a more aesthetically streamlined environment.
  • Cleanability of cables is greatly improved when bundled/coiled.
Bundle Cables